Dr. Bo Rice

Meet Dr. Bo Rice

You don’t have to be around Dr. Bo Rice long to discover his passion for mentoring. Dr. Rice, who serves as the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary’s dean of graduate studies, has seen the power of mentors firsthand at every turn in his life.

His student minister poured into him as high schooler called to the ministry. Other wise adults guided him through his college years and confirmed his call to the pastorate. And professors at NOBTS challenged and encouraged him as he earned a pair of master’s degree and a Ph.D.

As a result, verses like 2 Timothy 2:2—where Paul told his young friend Timothy to invest in the lives of others—resonate deeply with him.

God used that verse early on through faculty members who were mentoring me, loving me, guiding me. And, ultimately, that’s why He brought me back to NOBTS, so I could do the same thing. I know that God has called me to entrust to others what has been entrusted to me.

Dr. Rice helped found our mentoring program at NOBTS and Leavell College because he knows how his life has been changed. He also knows that many students—and even their mentors—have never experienced this kind of relationship. That’s something he is committed to changing—one student and mentor at a time.

My priorities are laser-focused. Every one of our students needs to have a mentor in his or her life. Every one of our alumni should be a mentor to a young seminary student who’s answering the call to ministry. It’s a privilege, but it’s also our obligation—for every one of us—to pour into the next generation of ministers.

Mentoring is one way that New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and Leavell College nurtures our core value of spiritual vitality. It also ensures proper stewardship of the generous gifts made by our friends and donors. As individuals like you give to the Providence Fund, our faculty and staff invest deeply into the lives of our students. Your gifts help this generation of leaders equip the next generation to walk with Christ, proclaim His truth, and fulfill His mission.

There is no greater kingdom investment than pouring into the leadership of the current church and the future church. When a donor comes alongside us, they are involved directly in fulfilling the Great Commission—leading people to Jesus and helping them become more like Jesus. There is no better investment because this will last for eternity.

Every dollar given to the Providence Fund is a dollar students don’t have to pay. Your gifts allows them to continue their theological education and move closer to the purpose God has created them to fulfill.

We pray God’s Holy Scripture, 2 Timothy 2:2, resonate within you.


If you would like to learn more about how you can answer God’s call in your life and become a partner to one of the students training here, please call us at 1-800-662-8701 ext. 3252


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